Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ex-employment Syndrome???

As I briefly mentioned in foregoing article, I was suffering from an emotional difficulties left after I resigned from my previous employment. I felt confused, afraid, disconnected, etc... If you are an ex-employed person trying to establish your own business, I may be able to help you. Please watch my recent video embedded here and feel free to contact me.

I believe this kind of situation can be explained and helped by the people who experienced.

Also feel free to check my websites to find out what I am doing:

Contact me if you wish:

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Anonymous said...

Dear Shaw

The transition from employment to entrepreneurship is a difficult adjustment. A time that can be lonely and scary. It is fantastic that you are offering to help and support these new entrepreneur. They can really benefit from your experience.

Giovanna Garcia

Unknown said...

Dear Giovanna,

Thank you for your comment. I hope to be of an assistance to the people suffer as much as I can. My opinion is that they should not suffer they should enjoy the transit.