However, I found this is very useful to brush up my skill of explaining things without visual aid like images. I need to visualize what I want to say and I hope to convey to the readers, first. Then I write down the image using the best words and sentences I could think of. Finally, I need to re-read or proof read what I wrote makes sense and visualize the contents for the people who read. Sometimes I am not sure if I correctly visualized what I wanted to write, so I ask my wife to read and explain what I wrote in her words.
Quite recently my mentor gave me an advice I should speak slowly to convey the message. I apply same principle in writing. I try to use simpler, easier words, terms, sentences to describe in case I cannot use visual aids.
Having said that, I still like using visual aids. It is not only simpler to take images to show, but also make an article colorful or sometimes dynamic, even not directly showing what I am writing about. Illustrations or literally Image help writing an article a lot!
Check my websites to find out what I am doing:
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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Hi Shaw
I agree with you visual aid is great for blog post. Study shows that when a reader come up to a blog post, they are more likely to read if there is a picture that related to the story and you have done a great job with that.
Thank you,
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Hi Shaw ..that must be quite difficult writing without visual aids?!
I suppose you could put a link in & say .. see here for a view of Alcatraz .. or the Golden Gate Bridge?
And give your written description using simple words.
Good description of your challenges - you will succeed with the News Site .. keep going!!
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Hilary, Thank you for your comment. It is not easy, but it worth sometimes trying. Then, use of visual aid becomes more effective even.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Hello Giovanna,
Thank you for your comment. Also thank you for your sharing the statistics. Your comment encourage me keep going.
Thank you again,
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
Hello Velonia,
Thank you for your coming. Thank you for your comment. Please keep coming to my blog.
Thanks again.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link
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