Sunday, April 1, 2012

Do Not Be Afraid of Making Mistakes

One fundamental reason for people not to do something new is a fear to make a mistake. If one made a mistake, he would be embarrassed. He would consider his friends laughing at him. His boss would reprimand him for his mistake. Making a mistake would be embarrassing on top of all these. Please take a moment to think about these factors, which made him afraid. These were things that he imagined. These were things that had not happened yet. These all might not happen. One may not make a mistake doing something new and different. His supervisor may admire him trying something new, instead of being angry.

One has no way knowing what will happen in the future, as long as he is not a psychic. If one was busy enough to take care of things happening today, he should not worry too much about tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. He may be glad he did it tomorrow. The first suggestion for not being afraid of doing something is to think positively. Do not imagine anything negative may occur.

The second noteworthy suggestion is that one should know that making mistakes is just a learning process. According to a reliable source, a human being cannot learn something without making mistakes. Especially, one is learning something complicated, such as selling process, marketing process, engineering studies, computer usage, or foreign languages. If one recognized making mistakes as a learning process, it would not be so hard to make a mistake. One can tell himself that it is reasonable to make a mistake, since he is in the learning process. He could be even willing to make mistakes, since he would be one step closer to mastering it.

It is especially true in learning languages. It is impossible to master foreign or second language without making mistakes. If one did not want to make any mistake in learning a language, only way for him is not to use the language. If one does not use the language, he cannot master the language. Remember children make a lot of mistakes, but as a result of their mistakes, they gradually develop their speaking and writing skills. In a language school, the ones who acquire language skills are to be 5 - 10% of students, they say. These 5 - 10% students are the ones who sit in the front row of their classroom and intervene the lesson by asking questions in the language they are learning. They are the ones who gain the language skills.

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