Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Book "Poem of San Mateo" - 8

People make a decision or take an action which does not make sense that time, when we look back and think about it once again, we are surprised by the fact that we made a right decision and took a right action. It look as though we were driven from invisible power. I think there are a lot of things which we need ourselves involved in decision making or action taking. But there are some certain things that we cannot control. It may be a right course of action to go "Let it Be". In many cases, it turns out to be OK. This is not easy to explain but some people know it from their experience. Some may call it miracle. Others call it coincidence. I call it "Higher Guidance".

Picture: Night in Japan Town, San Francisco.
Teijiro's family went back to Japan and survived the war. Fujie was 18 years old and thinking seriously about going back to US. Alas, Japan was the defeated enemy country and Japanese immigration was totally banned that time. Teijiro, the father became famous in US stationed army because they used him to be an interpreter and translator because his English was prominent among other Japanese who could communicate with US Marines one way or the other.

Fujie gave up going to college and studied texture design women clothing in Tokyo. Her dream became same as her father's old dream. She needs to go back to US where she was born.

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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shaw .. I can feel Fujie's "need" to go back to her country of birth, although not culturally her own.

Her father's good job must have helped - as it also kept English alive within the family .. so she could communicate when she did get back to the States ..

Thanks - all the best this Indpendence Weekend
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hello Shaw,
What a story, her need must have been strong. She like her father did what she had to there while she waited for the chance to do what she so wanted to do. Thank you for sharing it.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Unknown said...

Hello Hilary,

Since she knew her parent's story, it is understandable about her desire to go back to the place she was born. There are people who are not related to the US, but US is still attracting people to visit or stay.

Thank you for your comment.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Unknown said...

Don & Deanna,

If I compare Teijiro's story with Fujie's story, both were equally strong and brave. Especially when those were not easy time. They must have been unlucky to grab tough time, and they were lucky to be strong enough to cope with it.

Thank you for your comment.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link