Sunday, April 17, 2011

End the Downward Spiral of Emotion and Gain a Successful Mindset

Figure out if you have been entrapped in a downward spiral of emotion. It is very easy to be trapped in a vicious cycle of negative emotions. If a couple have an argument in the morning, their emotions will be set for negativity and affect the whole day. The husband will be resentful towards his wife and remorseful about the subject of their argument. He will regret what happened in the morning. He may not be able to focus on his work. Half of his mind would not be there despite being there physically. He may feel ill whenever his colleagues in his office approach him.

Does this sound familiar? Anyone feeling the way described above has been trapped by the downward spiral of emotion. Once these negative feelings enter the mind, it is almost like taking an elevator straight down to the lower floors. It is necessary to exit the elevator, and take steps to go up. The question here, however, is how one can escape this entrapment.

There is a solution. Remember, and take the following three steps to get out of the downward spiral of emotion.

1. Clear your mind with meditation. If you have some place nearby to take a walk, take a walk by yourself to rethink what happened.

2. Take an analytical viewpoint and try to imagine you are the one who is wrong, instead of your argument counterpart.

3. If you have trouble imagining that you might be the one who is wrong, seek a neutral third-party opinion.

Remember the following points:

- It is always difficult (or almost impossible) to change your argument counterpart simply by arguing.

- Don't hold out any hope that your counterpart will give in the way you wish.

Then what will you do? It seems that the only method is taking the initiative to end your negative emotions, thereby changing the situation to your favor. Just keep in mind that no good results can be obtained by arguing with negative emotions.

Bear in mind that unsuccessful people have a tendency to attribute failures to others. They may say their spouses do not understand them. Their bosses are not cooperative. The timing was not right. They did not receive enough support. The list continues endlessly.

In contrast, all successful people both mention and agree on one point: successful people tend to think that they themselves were responsible for their own results, failures or successes, rather than others.

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