Thursday, May 24, 2012

5 Stages of Decision-Making Process

When one study on successful people in human history, he may find that these people listened to others. In addition, they had selected persons to whom they could listen. It is, however, not all they do for decision-making and implementation of their plans. First they think. Then, they listen. They use opinions of others to think again. It looks as they had certain cycle of decision-making and implementation process. They are as listed below.

1. They think by themselves.

2. They listen to others, whom they selected as opinion makers.

3. They think again with others opinions.

4. Finally they make a decision.

5. They implement the decision.

It is essential to point out that they had their own opinion before they listened to others. They develop their opinion first and then listen to others. Therefore, they can judge others' opinions in view of own opinions. It is useful to evaluate and judge others' opinions. If they did not have their own opinions, they would not be able to assess if others' were right or wrong. They always have their trusted people who give valuable opinions. Those are people who can give opinions, which are neutral, unprejudiced, facts-based, valuable, or unselfish.

The crucial here is above No. 3. They use opinions of others, but they do not blindly obey or follow the others. There is a lot of leaders, who at a glance, look like respectable leaders because they accept their subordinates opinions and follow them. Many of them failed due to lack of their own views over the opinions of others, even from own people. Real, capable leaders do listen to others and use their opinions. Final decisions are, however, not by their subordinates, but by themselves in case of capable leaders. Sometimes, exemplary leaders looked inflexible because they did not change their own opinions. In this sense, they can adopt or reject others' opinions based on their judgments.

They listen to their people, but the decisions are theirs. They make decisions based on theirs and others, but they take full responsibility of decisions. They never blame others for inappropriate decisions or mistakes. They must be this confident. Otherwise, they would not be successful on what they planned to do.

The decision-making process lacking any one of the above 5 process is not complete. If it were lacking any one of these, it would incline to lead to wrong decisions or mistakes. They are as parts of the automobile engine, power distribution mechanism. If one were missing, a car would not move an inch. Others' opinions and leaders' opinions are like both sides of car wheels. If missing either side, the car would circle around and go nowhere.

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