Sunday, June 30, 2013

How Can You Be Active and Stay Active?

Did not you have an experience that the information, you were looking for, happened to come to you, instead of you found it, when you are positively and actively looking for such information? Or have not you experienced that you came across an advice when you needed it and actively looked for it.

It seems to me the key words here is active". There are people who said they are waiting for they feel like "active" to do something. But, the conclusion is that you will be never active if you wait for the moment you feel active. Instead, I think if you are active and start taking an action, you start to feel active.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (The Gospel According to Matthew, 7:7-8) The Bible recommends you to be active, not to wait for something happens.

We all are lazy somehow. We are not active to take actions, if we do not have specific need to take actions. We all have thousands of excuses not to do certain things, even if we know it is better to do. So, we all need to create our own "need" to be active. For example, it is my rule to say to myself when I feel lazy, "Incapable men always have good excuses." This is my slogan to encourage standing up and taking actions.

There are another thing that you can try when you are feeling lazy. It is meeting with people. You can meet with the people who you have never met before. You can pick up a phone and schedule to meet a new (mostly business) person for the first time and schedule to have lunch or dinner with that person, whenever you feel dull and inactive. You do not want the new person think of you inactive or lazy, you need to get up, be prepared, and go out meet that person.

It is important to meet a quality person and avoiding negative and only-critic style of person. Somebody told me to avoid being or meeting NATO people. According to him, NATO means No Action Talk Only. You do not want to be influenced by such a person. It is easy to be influenced by this kind of people.

Instead, you can plan to meet a person who are active, positive, outgoing. You will be glad if you could be influenced that way. You can keep active by being active. If not feeling active, take an action to be active. Please do not forget you cannot be active if you wait to feel active.

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- "Name of the Game":
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