Sunday, December 30, 2012

Time Is Important

Everybody agrees that time is valuable. People may immediately respond to say that is why efficiency is critical. They try not to waste their time. Since the emergence of personal computer age, making a quick decision, swift actions, and rapid movement became almost virtue of high-tech industry. Making quick decisions, however, may or may not be the right answer to be successful in business.

There were a couple, husband and wife. They were immigrants from Asian countries. They married and worked hard to save money. Early part of 2000, they felt that they have enough money to buy a house. House prices were soaring. Their friends bought their own houses and looked truly satisfied with their decisions.

It was the year 2005 when they looked for houses. They had a saving, which could be mortgage for buying a condo. They thought one-bedroom or two-bedroom were too expensive for their savings. They looked for a studio. Even a studio was expensive that time. The cost of a studio, which they liked, was almost $200,000. They could find a bank they could get their loan. It looked that they could get it with a bank loan for 30 years.

They calculated monthly installment for paying back. It was well over the rent they were paying for two-bedrooms. All their payment will be to pay back interest for first 10 years. Despite they liked the studio, they gave up to buy the studio. They thought it did not make sense.

They continued to work for other 5 years. They saving became more than doubled in comparison to 5 years ago. The market situation was quite different in 2009. There were lots of houses available in affordable price range for this couple. Now they could afford not just to a condo. They could afford to a house with their budget, depending on the area they could move.

They bought a house with three-bedroom. They have a large kitchen and a living room, and three bedrooms, one of which the husband could change to be his office. They have 2 full baths, so that they do not have to wait to take a bath in turn. In 2010, the market is still soft. They are considering buying a condo for rent for their retirement.

Major news media reports that the worst part of foreclosure storm is not over yet. This year records 4 million foreclosures, according to a media. They expect the year 2011 will be worse. Even this couple keeps seeing their neighbors vacate their homes and disappear. Houses with "Foreclosure Sale" signboard is getting more in number as they walk their dog in the neighborhood. They thank God that they were not in this foreclosure storm.

Readers, consider one moment. What would have happened to this couple if they bought the condo in 2005? They might have lost the condo by now. They did a right decision to wait and see how the market goes. Sometimes, it is the right decision to take a long time to make a decision. One can evaluate "time" this way, too, instead of making quick decisions all the time. It would not be procrastinating if it is a part of ones decision. Remember; Haste makes waste.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Process of Skill Improvement

Let us suppose one starts Karate training. All contents of his training are new and fascinating. His body aches from muscle pains, but his muscle grow bigger and stronger than before. His punches become more powerful than a day before. His kicks get higher and higher day by day. His body is more flexible than the day one when he started his training. His improvement is visible and obvious. He wins against his friends who started training around the same time as him in sparring training. He has a fun going to his dojo for his training.

One day, he finds that he is not improving his skill at all. His punches do not get stronger as before or as he wishes. He has difficulty kicking higher. He cannot win his friends as before. It seems to him everything he does is not improving his skill. He feels that his skill level is aggravating instead of improving. It is depressing. The training are not as interesting as a short time before. He feels his feet heavy in walking to dojo. He fell into a slump.

Quite unfortunately, the curve of one's skill improvement is not smooth up trend. It is rather combination of relatively high straight up, complete flat, and a little bit down. When one continues to train, he experiences all these. It is nothing like climbing steady uphill. One can imagine the trend to be close to walking up steps. It is very close to walking up steps, which has long flat area before reaching the next up step. It is still not exactly like walking up steps.

The closest experience to one's skill improvement is climbing a mountain. Those who has climbed a mountain must have experienced that both ups and downs come in turn in climbing a mountain. Although one is climbing a mountain, the climbing process is not just continuing climbing up. One needs to go up first. After a while, he needs to go down. Then he will up again. He will come across a long and flat road continues for hours. The one will eventually climb to the top after painful walking of ups, downs, and flats.

Slump time is the process of walking down hill or flat road in climbing mountain. The noteworthy is that walking downhill or flat road is an important process of mountain climbing. One cannot reach the summit without walking this downhill or flat areas.

Slump time plays an important role in real improvement. It is the time for preparing next giant leap. When one feels he is in a slump, he should train and exercise more than other times so that he could jump higher than before, when his time comes. If one want to leap higher, he needs to crouch lower.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Finding Services and Products Everybody Is Interested in

Readers who have read my foregoing articles and watched my video must have now realized that the time of blindly following somebody else is finally over. You might have understood that the quality and relevance of services or products you select are more important than the techniques of Internet promotion. Instead of hiding the products or services you are offering, you need to show clearly what you are selling and how much it is. You might have fully comprehended that there is no Internet Magic or Internet Wands. Any product or service that is not attractive or interesting would not be successful no matter what tools you use or how much effort you put into marketing it.

Now we simply need to find the service or product that interests almost everybody. We need to figure out how the service or product or is useful, effective, and beneficial. This information must be highlighted in your website and presentation. In addition, your information must be backed by facts and figures with clear judging criteria.

People are motivated to make purchases based on their "needs." You may call it "Sales by Needs." It is like selling water or food. On the other hand, there are people who are selling "Mineral Water from Mr. Fuji." It sounds tastier than just tap water, does it not? You may call this type of sales "Sales by Advantage." Sales of this type are motivated by attraction and advantage. Furthermore, there are people who buy personal computers because PCs can benefit their businesses. You can call this "Sales by Benefit."

How about savings? Are not we all keeping our eyes on buying out stuff with cheaper prices? Is not "savings" attractive to everybody no matter how rich or poor they are? This concept can be useful to draw everybody's attention to your opinion. The bottom line is that your "saving" must be clear and visible. It must bring real "saving" to the people who you are talking to. I have summarized "saving concept" in my video site. You can visit my company website and you will find the link there. You will find my video explaining how I achieved my own saving of more than $2,000 per year.  For the people who hopes to jump to the video, the link is as shown below:

"Let's Talk about Saving":

This saving came from switching services of Internet Provider, Telephone and Cell Phone Company, Cable or Satellite TV Provider, and Utility Service Sources. In this sense, the saving is real and solid.

It is my business policy to "play all cards open on the table." It is why I am always open to your opinion, questions, and comments. I respect and welcome opinions opposing my own views and concepts presented in a respectful manner. Feel free to comment, post, or write on my Facebook, blog, or video site pages. I promise to respect your opinions but may remove any that may come across as disrespectful or abusive.

Shaw Funami is an owner and chief consultant of "zhen international, inc.", known as a mentor for cross cultural relationship and business consultation called "Fill the Missing Link". You can learn about his profile in Facebook, Please feel free to contact him at "" or visit his Business website.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Name of the Game

Businesspeople who tried to use the Internet for their business activities have had to survive difficult obstacles. One of their struggles was with Internet jargon such as "SEO," "PPC," "keyword marketing," etc. Coming to understand those words was difficult. Making matters worse was the fact that by the time they had understood those terms, the Internet evolved to make them obsolete. Search engines invented new technologies or changed their search rules. Their efforts to master these techniques were often in vain.

Further complicating the issue have been so-called "Magic Wands" giving people the incorrect impression that anything, even a ballpoint pen thrown away on the roadside, could be sold with "Internet Magic."

People have become confused. Despite using Internet tools as they were taught, they have not been able to achieve the results they expected. They worried they were making mistakes in using these tools. For example, take a look at a long-form capture page promoting a product or service. In many cases, one cannot know what the page is promoting without giving out an email address and creating an account. In fact, promoters were being told that they should not tell people what they are promoting until they sign up. This approach is totally wrong. Would one shop in a grocery store without being able to see the products they are selling?

There is no need to struggle with developing an Internet-based business anymore. There are "know-hows" to be successful in Internet-based business that are simple and clear. How can one use Web-based marketing tools effectively? How can one make the right decisions about the services and products you hope to promote? What are the key criteria to judge whether a business opportunity can succeed? Here are three basic points:

1.     The most important factor is understanding that having the right selection of services or products to promote is more important than knowing promotion techniques.
2.     Stop thinking about Internet-based techniques for a while. Think about elements of business, namely, people, product or services, and money. In addition, think about brand and information.
3.     Take initiative in planning and scheduling your business. Determine what will be the best and worst scenario.

Do these sound familiar? They are basics of ordinary business. The bottom line is that Internet-based business is not so different from ordinary business. The name of the game is not the number of Facebook friends or Twitter followers, it is the quality of services and products.

I developed a video "The Name of the Game," based on my experience of successes and failures. If you are interested, please click the link below:

"Name of the Game":

This is a video that follows my prior video entitled "Walk Ahead of Web 2.0." As with my first video, my second one was shot, created, and edited with inexpensive, easily available software. I did not purchase any hardware or software in order to make this motion picture. It would be an honor if this video can be your reference to success in your Internet campaign.

Shaw Funami is an owner and chief consultant of "zhen international, inc.", known as a mentor for cross cultural relationship and business consultation called "Fill the Missing Link". You can learn about his profile in Facebook, Please feel free to contact him at "" or visit his Business website.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Walk Ahead of Web 2.0

We sometimes use terms such as "Web 1.0" and "Web 2.0" to mark the development of trends in Internet evolution. Web 1.0 marked the stage when people started to search for information, and when Yahoo and Google grew into big businesses. It was a time when people were making use of a new method of information collection, which analysts have referred to as "Find Me." Web 1.0 could therefore be categorized as the "Finding" revolution. By contrast, Web 2.0 is referred to as "Join Me" because of its focus on information-sharing by participation in a service. The flagship businesses that represent this stage of Internet development are Facebook and Twitter.

Because of the way the Internet has changed communication around the world, its development can be considered the third most important revolution after the invention of paper and the Industrial Revolution. Still, businesspeople are struggling to deal effectively with Internet-based business. Are you interested in knowing what is happening in Internet-based businesses? What do you think will be the next stage of Internet development? What will be "Web 3.0"?

Some authorities define Web 3.0 as the "Follow Me" stage. They believe it is the stage of self-propelling information propagation, and that it is already happening. In the most recent services provided on the Internet, we can see examples of this from major service providers. Facebook now has the Facebook Page service. Squidoo provides a service to build your own websites without having to learn HTML. Obtaining a domain name is easy and inexpensive in comparison to what it was 10 years ago. Hosting services are reasonable and reliable. Webpage creation software is now easy to use. It is not difficult or expensive to build your own website however you want.

It used to be that network geeks were proud of possessing web-based business promotion "know-how," using terms such as "SEO," "PPC" and "AdWords," but these trends have been changing. Many of the once-great web-business promotional tools have lost their effectiveness. Long-form capture pages with flashy images and vivid colors are now infamous. Nobody will read them anymore. Visitors will now simply check what the page is promoting and for how much and then close the page.

Instead, what we are seeing now is simple but visual sites with motion picture presentations becoming popular. There may be people who feel headache when they hear motion picture uploaded in the site. However, school kids are shooting videos and uploading them to a video site. Once uploaded, the video can easily be embedded almost anywhere.

It is generally boring to watch an unedited video, so you may need to edit your video. However, video editing and presentation software are both powerful and easy to use, to the point that almost anybody can use them without much of a learning process or expensive investment.

I myself was able to create and upload my video using my video editing and presentation software. It was for my first video presentation site explaining future web trends. If you are interested, please click the image above or link below to watch the movie:

Shaw Funami is an owner and chief consultant of "zhen international, inc.", known as a mentor for cross cultural relationship and business consultation called "Fill the Missing Link". You can learn about his profile in Facebook, Please feel free to contact him at "" or visit his Business website.

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