Thursday, February 14, 2008

Employed or Self employed?

Today, I hope to discuss about the difference between being employed or self employed based on my own experience. After I spinned out (or dumped) from previous my employer who I worked for 20 years, I tried to settle myself down in San Francisco, Bay Area being employed.

It was between March and November, 2001. My previous employer promissed me that they will find some place for me to work as local staff. I was interviewed several times, but none of them gone through. Later I seriously doubt if they were serious in rehiring or just kill their time until I gave up. Here is another reason not to be employed. Employer has their own reasons and their priorities are theirs, not yours. Your priorities will be ignored if it conflicts against theirs. I finally gave up to depend on my previous employer and started my own recruiting campaign. But, due to the economy I could not get a position which is satisfactory to me.

Anyways, I went back to Japan end of 2001 and started working for another company dealing with Internet Security. Again, I came to be fed by selfish attitude of my employer and ending up resigning from ttheir, too. I now regret that I spent too long time to be employed. I should have started my own business during that time.

Today, I am totally convinced that self-employed is much better than being employed. You do not have any worries and can pursue your goal with your priority.

Check my websites to find out what I am doing:

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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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