Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Japanese Reading This Summer - 1

In addition to struggling with my family matter and job offer matter, I went to book shops in Tokyo almost every day, this summer while we were in Japan. Being a Japanese living in the US for more than 10 years now, I some times miss readings in Japanese.

Do you like reading? Don't you have any book in mind for a long time, but have not read, yet? Isn't there any book half finished reading, but stopped. How about this fall to go back to reading of your kind.

In Japan, I planned to buy these books of "Kanetsugu Naoe" the general who had love for his fighting spirit. I introduced him in this blog, too, in several articles.

This general interested me in many ways. #1. He is from same home town where my parent is from. #2. Despite of the above, despite of the fact that I like my parent home town's history, I did not know much about him. #3. I learned that he was the key person who saved his clan to survive.

Starting to read, it was so good reading that I finished all 3 books in about 4 days. Some parts are going to be duplicated with my previous post about this general, I know. But I would like to introduce this reading once again. Because I thought this general is one of the Japanese who should be known to the world.

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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

What a great place to learn more. We need more good examples of good people. Can not wait to learn more.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Unknown said...

Dan & Deanna,

Thank you for your comment. I will explain more about this general later. This time as details as possible including episode telling what kind of person he was.

Thanks again!
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shaw .. yes loads of books floating around the house - some get back into the book shelves, others are in piles I regret to say .. one day.

I've started using my ipod or iphone to download some books and podcasts - so I can listen to those as I sit by my mother's bedside, or walk down the hill - I expect to do more of this in the future. Mum likes me to with her at her bedside .. even if we don't talk.

Your General was a very interesting character with some good moral message to pass on to future generations ..

I'm so pleased you had some time to relax and enjoy his stories -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Unknown said...

Dear Hilary,

Thank you for your comment. I have not done that, but it looks to be smart way to use iPhone or iPod to download books. I will try that.

These articles are based on what I wrote in Japanese. But I found direct translation does not do the work to explain about the book and general, I will do my best to convey the general's spirit in English.

Thank you for your comment.
Shaw Funami,
Fill the Missing Link