Thursday, October 8, 2009

Life is full of tough decision making process -8

The other problem I had in Japan was my job issue. There were someone who wanted to interview for hiring in Tokyo. It was almost 9 years ago when I was actively looking for a job. When I was looking, I could not get anything. When I concentrate something of my own, or my family's own, there were someone who study to hire me. Very interesting.

But under this bad economy situation, I must be grateful for having this kind of offer. The position was international relation, department manager class, and not so bad salary. If I did not have any build business of our own family, I might have jumped into it.

In the morning, I dressed with dark color suit and tie, and went to downtown Tokyo. The interview and the meeting went smooth. I had a feeling that I was liked, and my carrier was good for the position they were hiring. Several days later, the president secretary of the company called my mother. He wanted to personally meet me. He asked me to bring something which I can show him what I accomplished in past. I took a plaque sent by my previous employer's partner, General Electric, for appreciation of contribution to a project. My name is in it.

The appointment was really early in the morning of Sunday. Japanese work in peculiar time still yet. I walked into his office and met the president, VP, VP for HR.

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Life is full of tough decision making process -1

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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hello Shaw,

It can be difficult to go from having your own business to having a job. Not an easy choice.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Unknown said...

Hi Dan and Deanna,

Thank you for your comment. Yes, it was not easy choice. But I needed to select either one. I knew this time I could not have both.

Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shaw .. yet another tricky decision time and another aspect to consider .. life does deal us everything at once sometime - doesn't it!

I can't quite see where you're going yet - must look now!
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Unknown said...

Hi Hilary,

Oh yeah, the life is interesting to give us everything at once almost trying our ability to handle them. It was not just once or twice. It happened so many times.

It looks like trying to address them all in rush and patch works does not work. It seems that only one by one basis is the most effective way.

Thank you for your comment.
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link