All about...International Business Development, Internet Business, Online Marketing...
Bridge over Different Cultures,
San Francisco, Bay Area - Beijing, China - Tokyo, Japan...Business Alliance, Business Partnership, Merger and Acquisition, Joint Venture, Smooth Operator...Building and Re-building Friendship, Relations, Business...One Man Fight of a Business Person, Past, Now, and Future...Already come, Already seen, Already done...Yet to come, Yet to be seen, Yet to be done...
As you know, I am a Japanese born and raised in Tokyo. My wife is a Chinese born and raised in North-East part of China. My Chinese is not good for daily life communication. My wife's Japanese is not as well. So, English is very important for my wife and I to communicate. Living in dual language environment for relatively long time, I feel sometimes frustrated that something, some emotion, some symptom, some phenomena, good movie, etc...
I just have written a Japanese Blog Article on "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I found it difficult to explain what "$50 for Powder Room" means in Japanese. Some English can never be translated without full understanding on cultural, language, emotional background. By the time I explain all of necessary setting of the movie, the expression is not as good as original English.
Same thing happens when I try to explain Japanese words in English. For example, there is a simple and short word "En" in Japanese. It is extremely difficult to explain the word in proper English. I turned to Japanese English dictionary and found there are 20 definitions of this short Japanese "En". "En" can mean "fate", "karma", "connection", "relation", "tie", "bond", etc... The list continues on and on and listing these English words will not give you understanding of this Japanese at all. It will confuse you instead.
Trying to give you an idea of the meaning, "En" stands for a concept "relation, connection, or some kind of tie which exists between the people without any given reason beyond the time factor of past, present, and future and over the physical distance.
My wife and I have been lazy and slow on completing House Decoration for Christmas this year. There were some considerations on how to decorate what not to use. But, finally completed our home lighting project for Christmas this year. Please take a look!!!
If we try to do same decoration in Japan, it could cost us more than 3 times of what we actually spent, here. It was great fun to decorate, and enjoyable taking a look at them at night.
I am in the middle of launching a great affiliate and sales service for digital products with my friend who is a successful internet marketer.
It is not unusual to hear about Internet Market Guru or Successful Internet Marketer. But, not so many appear in front of us. It is because many of them are CREATED figures or self-advocating Internet Market Guru living studio apartment by himself. There are some who try to cheat you. There are some skepticism in Internet Business world.
But, my friend is a real person who you can talk with, touch, or exchange views and opinions if you wish. And, there are good advantages in the market of Digital Products, as my JV partner friend and I explain:
#1. You do not have to keep buying ridiculous amount of products and keep them in your home as inventory. You can set up download site and your customer can download the file as they wish.
#2. It is relatively easy to change, add, or delete your products, since it is existing in website. Or you can have variety of products as many as you wish to have without spending so much money.
#3. May related services, such as ads, promotion, video, audio, etc... are provided free in Internet world. It may not be too simple, but you can make yourself familiar using them free.
Yet, there are some certain points to be kept in mind. The largest point is that you should not just copy or duplicate what others are doing. You should have your own products, website, promotion, advertisement, etc... You may think it is not easy to keep your identity in the Internet world. You can relatively easily achieve and maintain your identity by following our program.
Here is a video testimonial I made after I tried my friend's program for about a month:
My wife and I worked on house lighting for the first time in our lives. we found it is fun. I heard that house decoration and lighting up in Christmas time is becoming popular in Japan. It was just for shops, offices, and buildings when I was living in Tokyo. Well, about China, I think Chinese decorations are colorful and shops are decorated all over the years.
We plan to put out the North Pole Animals with this lighting over the weekend. I will post the picture in my next post.
Since this Christmas is our first one in our own home in Hayward, California, my wife and I talked in Thanksgiving week and decided to give our new house Christmas Decoration.
We have spent a lot of money in buying the house, so we would not be able to do much. But, we wanted to give some kind of holiday season feeling for us to enjoy.
My wife is originally from North-East part of China and I lived in New York in 1985. We both know how winter is severe in northern places. We tried not to forget about it. Our first project was to put some decoration to give us a kind of winter feeling in northern countries.
Again, it is not much, but we are glad we bought the Snow Bear, Penguin, Seal, North Pole animals for our home decoration, this year. I thought we would be able to share the enjoyment of Holiday Season. As we put them out front garden, since they looked so lonely, we decided to go out to buy more Christmas illumination for further home decoration.
This is a season when I have a lot of pictures to taken. Also there are some Christmas pictures taken in past 3-4 years. As our home decoration develops, I would like to continue to upload seasonal pictures!!