Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Passion" and "Vision" -2

Almost all of successful entrepreneurs talks about mental strength and control their emotions.  It is just Mr. Yataro Iwasaki was talking about "Vision and Passion".  Leaders of big enterprises also emphasis on the importance of emotional strength putting aside their own smartness.  It was not until I spun out from my previous employer and struggled to do my own staff to really KNOW the mental strength is of essence for business success.

Even if you have a map to show you how you can reach the pinnacle of a mountain, you will never know how easy or how difficult it would be to actually reaching to the mountain top without walking the path.  Your map can show roads, rivers, woods, elevation of land, but it does not show you when it rains, snows, blizzard, sand storm.  You may come across a bear or deadly animals.  You will never know these just by staring your map.

In order to cope with all these unknown factors and reach to the summit of the mountain you are climbing, you need to train, gain, and regain the strength of emotional control of yourself.  I did several illustration in this blog before.  This time again I would like to share the elements of self-employed business as shown.

I am in the business of computer related business service category.  So, you may think that I am talking about computer or internet industry.  It looks to me the figure I described here is universal truth.

Yataro Iwasaki being a business person out of Samurai family, it is said that he had problem bowing, asking, and begging to other people for his business.  Samurais were very high self-pride group who did not like to ask for help in uncontrollable situation where they are helpless.  He needed to tell himself that he should not think about bowing to people, but he should think that he is bowing his money.  This may not sound good, but I am using this as an example how it is important to control your emotion.

As described in the above illustration, 3 factors in gaining control of your business are "Vision", "Passion", and "Mental Strength".  All these changes or get thinner and vague over time, you need treat them as dynamic and continue to revisit.

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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shaw .. that's a good idea .. we can all learn ... Iwasaki was sensible .. he was bowing to others, despite being noble and probably more intelligent, but he thought of it as 'paving his wway to success'.

Good thought - thank you - Hilary

Unknown said...

Hello Hilary,

Thank you for your comment. Among Japanese including myself, there is an image of Iwasaki being a greedy business figure almost like Scrooge in Christmas Carol. But, the more I learn about him, it seems to be he was a humble person gone through all thick and thin. There are many business principles we can learn from him. That is why he was respected by many Mitsubishi people.

Thank you again!
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link