Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why is it so difficult to Find What is Missing?

In my previous posting, I talked about the 3 processes of Fill the Missing Link. What is most important and difficult part is #1) Find what is missing. I would say that if you could properly "Find What is Missing", your problem solution is half the way done.

There are again 3 elements make your fact finding process difficult.

- Difficulty to think OUTSIDE of your PRESUMPTION
- Difficulty to view what is behind the VISIBLE SURFACE
- Difficulty not to be EMOTIONAL in evaluation problem

"Fill the Missing Link" consists of following 3 steps.
1) Find what is missing
2) Find the piece that can fill the missing,
3) Fill the missing using found piece.

It is simple but not easy.
First point may be easy to understand. A retail shop created a corner in front of the entrance for Tooth Paste. They were selling same ones inside of the shop with the same brand, same amount, and same price. By the end of the business day, all the Tooth Paste in front were gone. Despite the fact that they are same, the ones inside were not even been touched. People has presumption that something in front may be with cheaper pricing or with some promotion.

Second is not so difficult to imagine. Titanic sank hitting the iceberg inside of sea not the surface. But, people are created to be drawn attention to visible phenomena. Sometimes, we need to take time to analyze what will be behind the visible scene.

If the system which is not working today was the one which once brought you a success, it is not easy to replace the system. People are emotionally attached to the system. This can be an obstacle to find the real problem.

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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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