Even among Japanese who do not know his name, if I show his artworks, masterpieces, they would immediately recognize his artworks. He introduced Western style water painting skills into traditional Japanese method.
He was awarded so many times including the award directly from Japanese Emperor in his life time. It was not usual for Japanese painters. In 1967, age 82, he orchestrated repairing fire lost Buddhism National Treasure Paintings and Arts in Horyu-ji Temple, which is the oldest Japanese Buddhism Temples, and World Heritage.
In his later days, his legs were failing and he needed wheelchair to move around. But he said his arms were not failing. So, he continue to paint as long as his arms are okay.

It looks like continuous Imperfect Action made him #1 Japanese Water Painting in the history of Japanese modern art.
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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Hi Shaw .. thanks for introducing us to Seison Maeda .. it's interesting to learn more about the Japanese culture .. & isn't it brilliant that he kept on working .. as he had a passion
Hi Hilary, Yes, he kept working until his last day. Amazing spirit, isnt't it? Your next time visiting to Japan, visit Horyu-ji Temple whereas you can see his artwork there. Thank you very much for your comment.
Hi Shaw .. when I visit Japan .. I will definitely be in contact to find out the best places to see .. and visit .. & obviously I must include the Horyu-ji Temple where you can see his artwork
Hilary - Please do. Thank you for your comment. Let me know when you plan to visit Japan.
Hi Shaw .. not at least for another year (or two) .. but we'll have met again by then .. and I shall definitely ask your advice .. thanks for the offer!!
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