I needed to drive 9 hours from San Francisco to San Diego taking my relaxed time, but I am happy to participate and glad that I drove down to attend the meeting.
It was not only the contents of seminar, the quality of members who attended the seminar were awesome. I enjoyed chatting, exchanging views and opinions in break time, lunch time, and after the seminar networking with the people who joined the seminar. I will go into the details in my postings tomorrow. But if you want to spend QUALITY of time, this is the type of seminar you want to attend. You have been to some seminar before for sure, but how many seminar you remember that you need to stand up and express yourself what

How many seminars did you attend, which tried to sell you more, throw information at you and do not care how and when you will use them. This was different and excellent.
As I said I will go more details in my posting later on. You will love it.
Check my websites to find out what I am doing:
Feel free to contact me:
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Hi Shaw
It was an awesome weekend!! I felt that we changed lifes there. We have people in the group that will never been the same, because together we uncover their spirit, passion and ambition. Some of them even broke free from their past mental limitations.
Thank you for being a part of weekend. I will see you soon.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Hi Shaw ... excellent comments on the seminar .. it was a brilliant time & I too enjoyed the interaction of the group .. it's so fortunate that we can all mix and share ideas .. while building up a business. Great & I look forward to the next conference! I look forward to your next postings .. Hilary
Hello Giovanna,
I thank you again for your invitation. I was really worth driving 9 hours. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Hi Hilary,
It was great meeting you in the seminar. I also enjoyed being with you in the private times. Thank you also for your advice. Let's stay in touch.
Hi Shaw!!
It was a pleasure to meet you at last weekend's seminar!! I couldn't agree with you more about the content of the seminar. Not only did we learn so much to bring success in our business, we also learned about ourselves. The seminar was truly a growing experience for all of us. So happy to have been part of that with each and every person in that room, including you.
Many Blessings....
Roxanne ~ Believe Achieve
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