First picture is the book. This is a collaborative book by multiple authors who are successful business people, centered on Erica Combs. Great topics about inspiring the people's motivation. This was the greatest book I got in past 10 years. My friend, co-author of this book, the host of this time seminar, Craig Garcia kindly singed and gave me message. Here is the 2nd picture and Craig's message to me.

Following pictures are the ones I took in the seminar.
Craig and I when Craig was signing the book (Left).
Giovanna is the
Co-owner of EDC Diamond, co-host of this seminar. Giovanna inspired me on taking "Imperfect Action " to move ahead. She is CEO of "Imperfct Action.com" with a lot of inspiring blogs. Great blogger, excellent trainer, good wife, good mother, and my friend. Giovanna's blog was picked up by "Alltop". Congratulations, Gio! I provided the link here to click.
I wrote an article before "Are You Comfortable?". I am 1100% comfortable with them. I am sure they give you the same comfort to you, too.
Here is another seminar picture (Bottom Right). I did not feel sleepy even in 1 second for full 2 days. Nobody sleeps, no even boring time. I am sleepy now due to lack of sleep for last 3 days including driving.
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Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Hi Shaw .. you've certainly filled the missing link with this post .. it's really good & heart warming - you've put it all in .. & brought your humility, learning and love to it ..
You've sent us all an example & I wish you so much for your future .. all the very best Hilary
Thank you, Hilary,
If the post is good, I feel that all thanks to you, yourself, the other participants of the seminar, and Craig and Giovanna, hosts of the seminar. I really enjoyed and talked from bottom of my heart. It works. Keep in touch!
Hi shaw
Thanks for the kind words about my husband Craig and I :-)
The seminar was an amazing event. Everyone got so much out of the 2 days, people transfrom over this weekend. It was fantastic! I am so proud of you for your transfromation as well. I look forward to seeing you becoming even more successful!
Thanks, Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Thank you for sharing things from the seminar. It look like you had a great time. Nice photos with Craig and Giovanna.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"
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