Monday, November 10, 2008

About my Special Skills!?! -Imperfect Action-

It was my friend recommended me to use YouTube Videos for messaging to people. I have been hesitating for long time. I am not trained to speak in front of camera and shoot scenes.

I took a look to the videos my friend uploaded and others and I felt I would be able to do it. Greatest thing was I happened to come across message from "Imperfect Action". I thought it does not have to be perfect. Take the video anyway and upload it.

In addition my friend asked me to upload supporting message to her original message. So, I needed it any way.

I uploaded first video. I found I like it!!! Now I plan to upload my videos as long as I have some message. Please take a look at my most recent video:

In conclusion, I re-discovered that "Imperfect Action is better than No Action". Also found that people is motivated when recommended, asked, and pushed.

Check my websites to find out what I am doing:

Feel free to contact me:
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

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