As I keep digging the pictures taken in China, a lot of good experience and memories flashes back. I would like to share 3 more pictures here.
This picture -Left- is also taken in Forbidden Palace. You can easily see the scale of the Imperial Palace. Ancient Garden for Imperial Family, now is the sightseeing people and neighbor kids' play ground.
Next Picture -Right- is also a part of Imperial Palace, the White House for Qin Dynasty Emperor. In many Asian countries, politics is directly connected with religious activities. This Tower has religious meaning, at the same time was the place for the Emperor and High up Bureaucrat people discuss and make decisions with regard to important political issues.
Multi-layer towers (usually 3 layers or 5) are Pagoda Towers where Buddha's Bones are placed. Japan carries same architect. But I still see interesting differences between Chinese Style and Japanese Style.
The last Picture today - Left - is again middle of palace garden. Please feel its huge scale. For a person who was born and grown in small island country like Japan, this width is unbelievable.
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FunamiFill the Missing Link
Hi Shaw
Forbidden Palace is another place that I will be stopping by when I visit China. It has a lot of meaning to me.
Thanks for sharing your trip to China with us.
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action
Hi Shaw .. thanks for more pictures .. lovely to see your three choices and to understand the different meaning of the buildings and the huge scale.
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy
Hello Giovanna,
Thank you for your comment. Forbidden Palace is the place worth visiting. I hope you will visit some day soon.
Thanks, again!
Shaw Funami
Hilary, Thank you for your comment. I am glad if you enjoy a little bit of China and its scale.
Chinese history is as interesting as England's history. I will catch you later.
Thanks, again.
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