It was 2005, November, when I was invited to write Web-magazine started by one of biggest Japanese web-hosting provider. I had a rare value as a strange Japanese living in foreign country. I have been writing articles at least once a month since then. Although copy right belongs to me, as a writer, they have asked writers not to post dead copy of articles, not to use pictures posted in other sites' posts or blog articles. Quite recently they relaxed their regulation and have
OK'ed on putting out same articles and pictures in some other sites.

I love San Francisco. That is why I live here. So I wrote many articles about San Francisco. I would like to post some pictures and articles here in this blog. They are small my San Francisco
scenery's. All the pictures are my own original.
Top Left - San Francisco, Fisherman's
Wharf. I have never seen this place is not crowded. It looks like there are visitors from all over the world, 24/7, 365 days a year.

First picture on the top is out door eat-stand style restaurant of
Dungeoness Crabs and
Seafood's. My recommendation is Salt Water Boiled
Dungeoness Crab and Clam
Chowder Soup in San Francisco Local Sour Dough. Now it is getting into the season for Crab, my wife and I will visit there soon. Oh, I cannot wait!
Above Right - My wife's hands eating her most favorite part of crab.
Below Left - It is outdoor served Crab Lunch Dish.

Last picture in left is San Francisco Clam
Chowder Soup in Sour Dough Lunch set. This is my favorite. My wife is going to be angry if I finish this during she is just attacking her crab.
San Francisco is very romantic place with lots of
scenery's, natures, oceans, mountains. This city is unique in
ethnic delicacies, too. The best place to enjoy Chinese foods, at the same time, Italian restaurants are superb. Japanese Sushi is compatible with New York.
Seafood's, centered on
Dungeones Crab are one of the best even in the world.

Check my websites to find out what I am doing:
http://funami.edcdiamond.com/http://www.shawfunami.com/http://zhenintl.ws/Feel free to contact me:
FunamiFill the Missing Link
Hi Shaw .. now that upsets me .. it's only breakfast time & I'm SO FAR away .. I can't get there .. sounds delicious - one day I'll get to see & eat Crab and Clam Chowder.
It'll be interesting to read more of your articles and your Japanese take on life in another country.
I enjoyed this one - thanks
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy
Hi Shaw,
Looking at those pictures make us hungry. Our favorite is the Clam Chowder. We've never had it in S.F., only in Pismo. We will be sure to stop by Fisherman's Wharf and enjoy the seafood there.
Many Blessings....
Hugo and Roxanne
~Believe Achieve~
Thanks, Hilary. I am glad you enjoyed this post. San Francisco has lots of different ethinicity including choices of foods. I enjoyed that. I hope ou enjoyed your breakfast.
Hugo and Roxanne, It looks like this article is pleasing and upsetting readers at the same time. My wife and I love seafood. So, San Francisco is the best place to live in. Try San Francisco's seafood at your next visit. Thank you for your comment.
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