Another example of word, which has almost exact same meaning between Japanese and English, is “Sei” ,-Image Right Below-, English meaning “Sacred”. I may be able to go on and on. There are many Japanese words English can express in simple way of 1 or 2 words.

Japanese language has a word “Gi” -Image Left Below-. Please refer to the image. Turning to Japanese English dictionary, meaning in English was shown as “Justice”, “Righteousness”, “Meaning”, etc… None of them did not satisfy me, today. “Gi” is more broad or universal meaning of natural or even spiritual. It is something universally right, and nobody, anybody can deny. It almost includes God’s will or faith to Him.

I will be able to explain them in English if given 5-10 minutes, but I can not find simple 1 or 2 English word of the same meaning.
Today I planned to blog about Japanese people, who has strong relation with these 2 Japanese words “Gi” and “Shi”. I wanted you to fully understand the meaning of these Japanese words.
I spent too much space explaining these words. So the episode of the people will be up later.

Feel free to contact me:
Shaw Funami
Fill the Missing Link

Hi Shaw - you really are broadening our minds & opening us to ideas re the Japanese culture ..
Your description is really good - well done & it'll be interesting to read more posts ..
Thanks - Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy
Thanks, Hilary for your comment. I myself was wondering if I am explaining something or just confusing people, your comment is really encouraging. I will keep writing about Japan. So, please keep visiting.
Thanks again.
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